Nabari no Ou 14 [Yoru no soko]

Thank God, no bitchin’ and rantin’ for this post. This episode transcends the previous few episodes, and leaves me eager for the next one.

Because I can’t really explain the intensity of this episode…

You’ll have to watch it. I’ll keep this short with picture style.

This little girl gives me the creeps. Who the hell has cat eyes? That’s just way too freaky.

In one heart-wrenching scene, Yoite opens up to Miharu. Disregarding all previous statements about not fearing death, Yoite tells Miharu the truth. Almost killed me to see Yoite crying, because he hasn’t been giving off this aura in previous episodes. Which leads me to say that in a way, this is a good thing. It means a dramatic difference in Yoite’s character development.

But I haven’t forgotten Kouichi, Kumohira-sensei, Yukimi, or Raikou. That little scene where Kouichi beats up Kannaki-sensei was thrilling to watch. [According to Freudian theory, this is where my id surfaces.] Throughout the short-lived scene, I was wondering how many more kicks and punches Kouichi could throw in… before Kumohira-sensei stepped in.

This is the result of Tobari’s actions. Kouichi’s right in giving advice to Tobari before he dies: “Unless you kill, you can’t protect anyone close to you.” I love Tobari to death, but gods, like I’ve been stressing way before this episode, this man has to get his shit together.

Other Thoughts

I’m guessing the directors want Nabari no Ou to be a shounen-ai series. Notice the Kouichi x Tobari pairing above? Kidding. But in all seriousness, it’s like the directors are taking the whole Miharu and Yoite relationship and running amok with it… If you want to know more on what kind of stance I take, visit GAR GAR Stegosaurus, because I agree with everything A Day Without Me has said. Besides, you can get a good episodic summary there.

Yes, that is how it is…

Which makes me conclude. I’m really excited for next week! Does Miharu take on the yandere-ish personality? I hope so. Unleash the power.

On a completely different note, the Nabari no Ou OST was released today. While it isn’t as good as other OSTs, I think it has some good pieces, like the Main Theme. (Piece that played in the very first episode when Tobari swears his loyalty to Miharu.)

6 thoughts on “Nabari no Ou 14 [Yoru no soko]

  1. Awwww poor Yoite. I took a quick l took a quick look over at GAR and I have to agree too. Straight guys don’t hold other guys hands to their face and snuggle into it!

    Eep no, don’t be dead Kouichi ( I seem to have a thing for characters with glasses, after all I have a soft spot for Michel from MF too).

  2. The girl with cat eyes (I forget her name) has cat eyes because she can transform into a cat. If you watch the final episode you’ll see that she is Miharu’s white cat and she is also immortal like Kouichi.

  3. Oh my god nooooooo! I love Kouichi and Yoite and no don’t die! Miharu please fall in love with Raimei and go straight! Tobari please please PLEASE start killing guys sos Miharu can live!!!

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