Mai Otome-Storm lyrics

After I watched the Mai Otome Zwei Ovas, there were 2 things that I remembered very clearly: the frequent recycled animation and this amazing ending song, Storm, by Ami Koshimizu. BUT, it’s only today that I realized that there are no English lyrics for this song on the internet! Well, if no one was going to do it, I might as well do it myself. unfortunately, I could only translate this from Chinese sources, so if you spot anything wrong, just tell me about it, okay?


Silently surrounding the 2 people


Within that beautiful, frozen time


The moment to spread out wings

もう そばに来てるよ
mou sobanikiteruyo

Has arrived at our sides


The green night is slowly arriving


But as long as you are here to confort me

どんな时も その温もりを抱きしめて行ける
donnatokimo sononukumoriwodakishimeteikeru

No matter what time it is, I want to tightly hold on to that warmth


I want to protect the place where our dreams are, forever


The melody of the wind and the song of destiny is echoing


The lantern in my hand is lighting up the sky


I can only trust the star in my heart


The crowds of birds in the sky mingle their cries together


Let that echo in the slowing darkening plains


In order to return to the peaceful earth


Chase the final wind.

A little note: There was a complete lack of pronouns within the song (Asian languages are like that, we can avoid all pronouns and still sound normal), so in order for it to flow better I had to add them in.

7 thoughts on “Mai Otome-Storm lyrics

  1. The only Japanese I know is from anime, so I can’t help you with the details. (but I probably understand enough to get the context of a sentence)

    It’s a great song, really relaxing, though a bit sad.

    I see a lot of CSS code at the end of your post, you might want to edit that out. 😛

  2. Well done! Whenever I hear a Japanese song I like, I always search for the lyrics. When you know exactly what they’re singing, you’re able to appreciate the piece even better :).

  3. A soul-stirring song. Though the lyrics containing hiragana has a few mistakes such as “ti” and “tu”. “ti” should be “chi” and “tu” should be “tsu”, with the “tsu” pronounced as “zi-“.

  4. I love this song, I have the dvd, and was wondering what it was called, that is, if this is the song i think it is =P, the ending theme to episode 2. The lyrics that the subtitles told me were…

    The two of us are gently embraced
    In this beautiful place stopped in time
    The moment to spread our wings
    And fly away is approaching

    Close together on that green night
    Without a word you consoled me
    At any time I can go to that comfort
    And hold onto it

    I want to protect this place of dreams forever
    The sound of the wind and song of destiny echo
    By the torch in my hand the winter sky lights up
    Believing just in the star of my heart
    Flying to the sky the birds call to each other
    Echoing across the prairie as night falls
    To return to that peaceful land
    I’ll go over the last wind

    tehe, very long comment =P
    of course, seeing as i’ve noticed differences between the dvd subtitles and the ones from the online streamed anime, i may be wrong. but, either way, this song is so beautiful =D

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