Half a million hits, Whoot~

Sakura: Please excuse the hastily scribbled thank you at the top of the picture, its hard to get hirigana to look right when you’re using a mouse 🙂

Anyway, Choux noticed that we’d gotten over half a million hits and we both thought that we owed you all a massive thank you for helping us reach such a momentous milestone.

The post is a little bit late in coming, but thank you everybody!

The site has certainly seen many changes since it first hit the blogosphere. We’ve had many awesome layouts and banners thanks to the hard work of Choux, we started off as part of a group of blogs only to become our own thing and we’ve lost a lot of our authors.

Choux and I are the only ones who post with regularity and real life and ill health have kept me from posting too frequently of late.

But we are still here, still blogging away and you are still visiting so we must be doing something right ne?

As much as the blog has evolved I think we’ve also evolved as bloggers. In the beginning I was all gung ho on episodic blogging and I quickly realized, that unless you’re into a show heart and soul its really hard to find the energy to write about it week in week out.

So nowadays I’m a lot more laid back (maybe a little too laid back considering my post count of late) but when I do post, its because I really feel passionate about the subject matter instead of feeling obligated to put something out there because I really should just put something up. So the post count may have gone down but the passion remains the same.

We’d like to continue to get evolve and get better and better, it would be nice to reach a million hits after all 🙂
So feel free to contact us and let us know what you would like to see more of, or just what it is exactly you enjoy about the site. Feedback can only help us improve, so don’t hold back everyone.

Thank you again and see you at a million!

ばんざーい!ヽ(▽ ̄ )乂(  ̄▽)ノ ばんざーい!

I’ll hand you over to Choux now, since I know she’d also like to say a few words.

Choux: Ah, this has been a long journey, hasn’t it? I look back at the stuff I used to do and am absolutely shocked (especially at how much stuff I used to do on anime, which I REALLY should focus more). Like sakura, I’m just not good with regular blogging, so I guess it’s good that we’re on the same wavelength?

Well, Sakura has basically said all there is to say, so let me just give you guys some stats:

Our most popular post is the Fall Season 2008 Preview, followed by  MECHA SERIES REVIEW, InuYasha Chapter 558, naruto 422 – Kakashi vs Pein, Naruto Chapter 413 – Sasuke gets owned!, fullmetal alchemist 2 : brotherhood, and Air gear: the required training arc.Which is to be expected, since they’re about shounen series (which is kinda ironic considering we’re all girls, isn’t it?)

Out top referrer is animenano(with around 10,000 hits), followed by the the animeblogger antenna (a little over 6000 hits)  and google reader. Though of course, other blogs have introduced quite a bit of traffic, with oihayaku leading the way, followed by simplicity, celestialkitsune, akibahiroi, and hunting the elusive.

Our top 3 most clicked links are to 2 gundam wallpapers and a pandora hearts wallpaper (I’m sorry to all the wonderful bloggers out there, but we’re just not good at getting people to click links…)

The top 5 search terms are Skip beat (girl power!), hachibi (which is just odd), Umineko (I’m actually installing chiru right this second), toradora (aww…), and junjou romantica (which is odd because we never really wrote about that series). I really wanted to get a list of the oddest searches that linked to us, but wordpress is being stingy about the lists and won’t let me see them…

So thanks to everyone who has visited this site~ Keep on coming, and remember, I’m sending you all cake telepathically (I’m still not that good at it though, so it might take a while, and it might not work, but CAKE IS COMING!) ~\(≧▽≦)/~

I love Chinese nerds

Because they just released the Umineko Chiru, AKA Ep5, AKA the end of the golden witch, AKA YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

I’m so happy~

P.S.: Whoa, they released this DAYS before Higurashi will be out in English. Coincidence? I think not. This is a ploy to get me worked up enough to buy extra copies of Higurashi (not that I will, it’s overpriced already).

But still…I’m so happy I could sing (just imagine me singing that last sentence).

…Manga gamer is uncensoring…

You can read the full article here, but the gist of it is that despite everything, they feel like it’s only right that the CGs for Soul Link and Higurashi be released, just like the original creators intended. Some of you may be wondering why Higurashi (an all ages game) would have any problem with censorship, but unfortunately there was one scene in the story where Satoko appears naked.

Hmm…now that I think about it, this whole thing kind of smells like a marketing ploy…

Now that this problem is solved, everyone who were complaining before can happily enjoy Higurashi, weird name, ugly font, standardized system and all  (they’re calling it Higurashi When they cry, which is a really odd choice in my opinion. Oh well, at least their font is ACTUALLY readable now). In fact, a few of you might be able to get it for free, through contests at ANN and the Sankaku complex (those are the only 2 that I know, there may be more).

Check up on the Mangagamer blog (it uses WordPress, whoot!) for more information, and buy Higurashi! (Oh, and soul link too, if it’s you kind of thing).