fullmetal alchemist 2 : brotherhood


“Don’t mess with Fullmetal, or he’ll whack you with spiky, clubby thing…”

Fullmetal is back, its really back and if the first episode is anything to go by I’m going to love it as much this time as I did the first time round. Continue reading

First impressions: Asura Cryin’, K-on! and Tsubasa Shunraiki

vlcsnap-8430K-on! feels to me like a mish mash of things I’ve watched before. The characters remind me of Lucky star, the setting reminds me of Manabi straight, and the awesome singing at the end reminds me of Haruhi (speaking of which, is there anyone who HASN’T heard of how the new season is going to have 28 episodes?) However, unlike those shows, the main character is a useless moeblob. Kyoani upped on the style, and the ending song features the girls in stunning dresses (Kyoani’s always had a great sense of fashion), and everything looks pretty. Continue reading