Yeah, it’s over


Code Geass is over, done with, there will be nothing else that we can watch coming from Sunrise (besides the DVD specials, but those don’t count)….

For some reason that just doesn’t feel right…

When I first heard of Code Geass, I just though:”hmm” and skipped right past it. But then, for some odd reason, I just went ahead and watched it, unaware that the season finale had yet to air. I was interested for the first couple of episodes, started liking it after episode 8, and after episode 12 I was addicted. Along with the good people on the internet I waited for the season finale, then the second season. I cheered, I boo-ed, I prayed that Suzaku would die, and enjoyed the ride. Now that it’s over, I will mourn, but I will also look forward to the fall season (which has already started airing).

Goodbye Code Geass, Goodbye…

(hey hey hey, don’t think that this is the last post about Code Geass coming from me, I still have a series review coming up!)

Pixel Phantom and our new banner

Chances are you’ve noticed the new banner already (if you haven’t noticed it yet, go and look at it now), well, the illustration comes from my current favorite artist: Pixel phantom. There is very little I know of her besides the fact that she drew a few Touhou doujins and has her own manga called e.a.r.t.h., so I’ll just post my collection of his pictures (measly amount, I know, it’s TINY, especially compared to some of the other artists like Hiro Suzuhira or Mikeou, but it’s all I have.) By the way, a thank you goes to Kitsune for giving suggestions to the banner and to Bj0rn for introducing me to this amazing artist in the first place! Continue reading

Da Capo II: Minatsu first impressions

She’s first and foremost a tsundere and I dislike her voice, which is why I played her first (I like to start out with my least favorite character and work my way up). The story’s interesting and is moving at a pretty good pace, with some really funny moments and some moments that were just really sweet.

There are some things that just make my laugh, for instance, Hana yori Dango and everything that Suginami’s involved in (the guy’s a comedic GENIUS!). But of course, this is a romance after all, When Minatsu fainted and woke up on Yoshiyuki’s lap, the whole thing was just adorable.

You know, despite this game being 2 years old, it has some of the best art I’ve EVER seen ANYWHERE (and that’s saying A LOT), I just wish more games had this kind of quality (I was looking through some of the games that were released during C74, and they didn’t look all that hot.

Code Geass r2 Ep 24 (whew)

wanted to write an extremely long post on this episode, but I’m too busy playing D.C.II so I’ll make this short (I wrote whew on the title because after the a few bad episodes, Code Geass’s good again). By the way, D.C.II is actually really good, especially the line below, where the best friend (one of the best looking best friends who has ever lived… isn’t he pretty?) talks about how the main guy has a harem but doesn’t appreciate it.

“Make sure you’re careful or you’re going to get NICE BOAT’ed”

Of course, that’s just a line inserted by the translates, but it’s hilarious all the same.

Now, why did I bring that up? Because Lelouch didn’t treat his harem with enough respect and fear, and for that, he will pay dearly! Continue reading

I have 3 reasons to be happy

1. The new episode of Code Geass was great.

2. This blog has reached 1000 comments.

3. This blog has reached 50,000 hits!

Yeah, the new banner was made in celebration of this (Pixel phantom won by  2 votes), now I’m giddy (with just a little but of sugar high thrown in). Hopefully one of the other writers will write a proper post on this.

My expression when I saw: